Friday, February 15, 2008

A Positive Outlook

I've felt really positive today. Things may be looking up. We had an inset today, and first of all we were looking at that prickly area of behaviour. Following our last meeting, another new system has been put forward, and this time I think it might work. I certainly felt more empowered looking at it. There seems to be more emphasis on the teacher having the ability to make decisions for ourselves, rather than having to refer to other people, and there will be more teachers patrolling the area, so it should be less likely that no one arrives to remove any difficult pupils.

It was also obvious that our comments had been listened to - key words and ideas that we had written down on our sheet were used during the session and put into the system overview, which I think for about the first time made me feel that my contribution to this process was really valued.

We were also looking at curriculum, and it was great to be talking about teaching, about education, about learning, rather than complaining about behaviour!

So a really positive day, and to make things even better, when I came home, H fixed the (two!) huge dents in the car doors! (The second one happened a couple of days ago.) So that's saved us almost #700!!

We had a lovely meal out for Valentine's Day last night (well, we brought it home and watched "The Hoax"), and tonight I made a tasty and filling tortilla thing with eggs, potato, onion and bacon. I'm full now!

Watched The Choir tonight again - I hope I remember to watch them at the Albert Hall next week!

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