Christmas Eve was spent shopping at Sainsbury's, getting ready for Christmas. Prawns? Check. Potatoes? Check. Melon? Check. Turkey? Well, let's stick to big chicken legs instead, seeing that the preferred duck breast option is sold out. Oranges? Check. Wine? Check.
On to Oxford Street, in a search for decorations. A few crystal hanging decorations here, some silver packaging ribbon there ... eventually I took the last tinsel from the shoulders of a sales assistant in Clinton's Cards, the last tinsel in London it seemed to me!
Off home to pack everything into the fridge, then tidy up the house, decorate it beautifully, and cook a meal of venison burgers, chips, spinach and avocado. Delicious! And finished just in time to head to church, for Midnight Mass.
The Church is always beautifully decorated for special occasions, and tonight was no exception. The lights were dimmed, and the church was mainly lit up by scores of red candlelight. The large fir, which has gradually become covered with red labels throughout Advent in memory of loved ones, had a large star and lights shining on it. Under the altar was a nativity scene, with shepherds, donkey and cow, Mary and Joseph, and an empty manger.
For half an hour or so we sang carols, accompanied on the organ, and listened to the Christmas story in the readings. It was a suitably Christmassy way to begin Christmas.

The procession at the beginning of the Mass was a long one, with all the readers, Eucharistic Ministers and altar servers joining in. A young boy and his father brought the baby Jesus and laid him in the manger under the altar, and the scene was complete.
I headed back home, and having put out the stockings and left a sherry and mince pie for Santa, and a carrot for Rudolph, on the table, I went to bed.

(Not sure why this image is the wrong way round ... Will try and correct in the morning!)
Anyway, next installment tomorrow!