We decided to go to Islington for dinner (Turkish at Gallipoli). We were shocked to see loads of graffiti all over Angel tube station. I've taken some photos on my mobile that I'll upload later, but in the meantime there are lots of links to other images and articles. It's also interesting reading some of the comments. Personally, it was such a shock and a surprise, that it made me realise how well kept the tube stations are kept most of the time. Everyone coming off the tube was looking around them, amazed. I overheard a couple of guys making a comment like "well, it's artistic", but the thing was, it wasn't! It was amazing, in that you couldn't take your eyes off it, but it was so mundane, boring, and simply vandalism, without any uplifting or amusing features. Of course, it's got people blogging about it, like me, so I suppose that means the vandals have achieved their aim, but it's not good. And to think that some had the audacity to write "Happy Birthday Jesus" on the wall opposite the platform! I don't think Jesus would really have appreciated it that much ... Also, it seemed really dangerous, although I've since discovered that the tube station was closed for Christmas (just as well we didn't go out for a meal then ...!)

So, suitably outraged but filled with bemusement rather than wingeing, we headed home.
The next day was spent in a similar way, although only on the shopping side rather than the looking at graffiti side. This time we did Canary Wharf and Fortnum and Mason ... look out for this year's Christmas windows once I work out how to download them from my mobile! And the biggest news of the year ... as we were going down the escalator in Canary Wharf ... was to see the Evening Standard headline "Bhutto killed in Pakistan blast". That was a real shock. I looked at it for a few seconds, not believing it to be true, wondering if there was another Bhutto that it could mean, before realising that of course it meant what it said, and drawing H's attention to it. Tried to buy a paper but no cash ... Got one eventually.
Today ... H went shopping and got a new guitar, I stayed at home and played Bogglific on Facebook. Honestly. I have loads of marking to do ... but at least it's relaxing! Washing and marking tomorrow, honestly ... !!!
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