Wednesday, January 09, 2008

I'll just sit here and wait ...

I did a lot of waiting today. Probably a lot of pulling faces too. Sometimes, my classes can be just so frustrating! All they need to do is look at me and listen ... is that really so much to ask?! I am trying very hard to stay calm. They are mostly nice classes, just talkative and not really interested in learning, so it's not too bad, but it is SO frustrating! And I called to have two boys removed, and was told that the referral room was full, so the boys were spoken to but had to stay in the room - and later annoyed others and myself too!

Had a meeting at lunch time, then had five minutes to wolf down my reheated leftovers of mince and a couple of potatoes. But at least I left about twenty minutes after the bell went and was home by five! (As you can see ...)

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