Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Year 7s were great today!

Mainly because four of them decided to turn up to my lesson 17 mins late after running around the playground, and since the rest of the class were settled by then, I refused to let them come in and instead a teacher took them to the referral room. I am working on a process of continual praise - putting their names up for being good and giving them postcards for good work. One of the boys who has been really difficult this year has turned over a new leaf, and having him not only behaving but also quietly working is making a huge difference as well. It only takes two or three to make a class almost unbearable, and having had six or seven playing up all year has made the class unteachable at times (this included yesterday ...) so it's great to see that they are capable, sometimes, with a few pupils missing, of behaving and working.

Shame the Year 9s aren't anywhere near that. At least I only have to teach them once a week, but it's not even babysitting. There are only about three that actually want to do any work. So today I went round asking some of them what their dreams are, trying to impress upon them that they will only be able to reach their dreams if they put in the work and make the most of every opportunity. It's so frustrating seeing them throw away any opportunity to learn, to improve, to grow.

The Year 10s had their mock exam today. I now have almost 30 scripts to mark. I had planned on making an impact on them in the afternoon, but we sat around gossiping instead for much of it. Still, it's nice to relax every so often, and most of the year it's never possible - I love having the Year 11s away now and the Year 10s on exam leave! I now have no classes until the end of Friday, unless my AS class turns up tomorrow - they didn't today.

And it's been another beautiful day. The sun is still shining as I type. I ought to go and start cooking my liver and onions now!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sometimes adults arent much better...I used the same strategy to inspire those who attended our church Finance Course to draw up a budget, but I dont think their dreams are quite strong enough, as not many did their homework!