Saturday, August 08, 2009

Day Three - So Far

I know you are not supposed to weigh yourself every morning, but as this is a two week experiment, I thought I better keep tight records! So this morning, I was 10 st 10 lbs! That walk up to Tesco's yesterday was worth it then!

For breakfast this morning I had a fruit smoothie. One banana, one mango, a handful of blueberries, a couple of spoons of low fat natural yoghurt and a splash of white grape, pear and apple juice. Delicious! And quite filling too.

I have managed to throw away another couple of black bin bags this morning, finished sweeping and hoovering the floor, cleaned (most of) the bathroom, the kitchen floor, dusted a bit, and have put on some atmospheric easy listening music. It's now 10.45am and I am awaiting my cousin, who is visiting this morning after her morning jog. I plan a lentil curry for lunch. Will tell you how it goes later ... !!

It's a beautiful day - might go for a walk later.

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