Having readjusted our eyes to the bright light, we made our way towards the big cats, following the arrows. First, though, our path took us past the big gift shop and the penguin enclosure. By the size of the crowd, and the sign referring to peckish penguins (or something), we realised that we were fifteen minutes into feeding time. We wandered over - but I have to say, they were not as exciting as the penguins in Edinburgh!

So we wandered on, past some interesting birds (did I mention the bright blue hyacinth maccaw last blog?) and towards the big cats. We saw a serval sunning itself, and wondered where the tiger was - then turned a corner and realised it was walking up and down next to the window where all the spectators were gathered. No one was going to move, so I got a bit fed up and wandered on - before pausing, looking up, and seeing a large reclining lion! I took a few pictures, then caught up with H, who complained that he hadn't seen any lions yet! So I pointed them out, and, as I did so, the male lion lifted his head and looked straight at us! I think he must have heard H.
Having seen the cats, we went passed a couple of donkeys; soon, though, we heard the announcement that the zoo was now closed and we had to make our way to the nearest exit.
So off we went, stopping to take a few sunny photos of each other, and soon we were on the street.

This meant to get home we had to walk through Regent's Park, and what a lovely walk that was! We sat on a bench in the sun for a while, and as it began to get cooler, we wandered through the beautiful gardens.

Having left Regent's Park, we travelled to Islington, where we had dinner at Gufaa, and Indian Restaurant. It was very nice, but I was a bit too greedy - I think I should have stopped before the ice cream! So we rolled home, stuffed and happy, having had a very lovely 6th anniversary!
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