Thursday, November 09, 2006

Danish pastries ...

I've been really tired recently when arriving home, so no posts ... lots of fireworks at (or around) school. All the pupils had assemblies yesterday. Seemed a bit calmer today. We're all getting pastries tomorrow, just because it's been a tough week. Doesn't make it all go away, or get easier, but a nice gesture, nonetheless.

I know why I had a nice day today ... I had a good lesson with my year 11s. They had some jumbled up sentences, and there was a race to see who could work them out and copy them down most quickly. Some of them got quite competitive! Maltesers for the winning team ... Quite simple to prepare, but fairly effective and enjoyable.

I was at uni last night. We had a lecture on Methodology. Helpful ... doesn't seem quite so difficult now!

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