Friday, November 10, 2006

It's the weekend!

My own experience of today was mostly good; I don't think that was the same for everybody. We had intruders on site during the day, although I never saw or heard anything until later on.

My first year 11 class went really well - the same lesson as yesterday, different class. The pupils really seem to enjoy the jumbled sentences race! I noticed that the EAL speakers did particularly well at trying to work out combinations of words. I tried to reinforce structure and grammar - "ghostly" is an adjective, so what noun must it be describing? etc. Maybe not the best selection of visuals - quite a difficult concept, the paranormal - but hopefully most of them will have some idea now of how non-religious people could still believe in life after death.

My year 10 class was okay, but then my other year 11 class - the ones I had yesterday - were appalling. One girl sat on the floor chewing gum and playing with it. Eventually sent her out. However, the others were in a strange mood too, so quite a few will have letters home.

I was a bit worried when I heard I had a year 11 cover in the afternoon, but there were only 5 pupils so it was quite relaxing. The pupils had to revise electricity, so I told them the little mnemonics and stories that I learnt in Guides about how to wire a plug (you plant bulbs in the *earth*, then green and yellow daffodils grow *up*, straight and tall ... bLue to the Left, bRown to the Right ... lIve to the rIght ... Fun.

My A2 group and I had a discussion about the conscience. How is it formed?

Drive home took 2 hours. Terrible traffic. At least then it was dry ... we had a lovely meal out, with aromatic duck pancakes, and then walked back in the rain. Nice though. A good walk.

Right. I'm off to sleep now. Uni beckons tomorrow!

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