Wednesday, April 18, 2007

1000 visits!

I've finally reached the 1000 visit mark, as shown on my cluster map! Not sure who is visiting, though - I presume mostly my Dad and I! Hello to anyone who is visiting, though!

Bit tired today. Every class seemed to be such hard work; but I think it's the same all over the place. We think it's a combination of the two weeks away from authority and rules, and the weather. Pretty hot. I had to call for an on-call person three times during my Year 7 class - eventually the Head himself arrived. I've written up the incidents (mostly involving paper and elastic bands ... ) and hopefully they'll get followed up severely.

Sent two letters, and made four phone calls. Spoke to two parents, left one message, couldn't get through to one.

Sent out 250 trip letters, have loads of forms to fill in, and may have to make quite a few phone calls on Monday if the money hasn't been brought back!

Wrote up an incident report about a skiving boy who through the seat from a computer chair out the window at a group of skiving girls.

Had over three quarters of the Year 10 class back for detention in order to finish the work set in class that they had ignored.

Sorted out cover work for days that I have off in the next couple of weeks.

Have now checked all my email and blogs and am off to do the dishes, grill the fish (actually, maybe I'll steam it ...) and have a relaxing shower. Only have Year 11 lesson to fully plan for tomorrow, the rest, I think, is organised ... Goodnight!


Anonymous said...

i don't know if your day was worse than moving two old age pensioners - possibly! you must have been tired if the boy 'through' the seat out of the window! it's nearly the weekend!

Anonymous said...

just browsing and stumbled upon your blog.
Even read some of it too.

Maybe I can help - If i may be so bold. To see where all your traffic is coming from ( 1000 Visits) get a page counter for free from . You get loads of info on your site/blog traffic, at no cost. Oh, and Im not plugging it, just think its better than a cluster map - just my opinion of course.

Check me out at :