Sunday, October 15, 2006

My first post ...

Does every blog have a post titled "My first post"? Shouldn't I be a bit more creative than that?!

It's taken an hour to set up this blog, because I couldn't decide on a name, and any ideas I had my husband vetoed, and any he came up with I didn't like.

We finally came up with this one ... an empty classroom.

Just saying the words bring me peace! I love that feeling at the end of the day when they all leave, and I have the place to myself ... (That doesn't mean I don't enjoy their company as well, though!) (But that deep peace that they leave, when they've gone ... Mmmmmmmmmm!)

So, what's the point of this blog?

Well, it's partly to stop me driving my husband mad (must think of another name for him ...) by telling him all my stories about school at the end of the day, and partly because I love thinking of teaching, methods and ideas, and I enjoy sharing my ideas, so I thought it might be a good idea to have a blog to encourage me to put my ideas down.

I'm glad I've started this. Hope I can continue ... Now, I *must* go and finish my marking!

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