Monday, October 23, 2006

Truly the holidays

What a lovely day. I have tidied a bit, read a bit, listened to some music, planned a few year 10 lessons, cooked dinner, watched Madame Bovary, learnt that a friend has had a baby (and am waiting for another couple to be born in the next few months ...) and added some posts about books to my attached blog (Louisa's Library). Very relaxing!


Anonymous said...

Hi Nzero Louisa,
I have enjoyed reading your daily diary but have some questions to ask you.
Why do you have to work every evening and weekends on school planning and homework marking?
I thought that teachers worked a nice cushy 9.00am till 3.45pm day. A 15 mins "playtime" morning and afternoon, one hour for lunch in a school canteen, and lots of "free" periods to catch up on your mobile phone calls and read the Sun educational columns! Plus about 13 weeks holiday a year when you can travel the world and enjoy yourself!
Being a bit of a cook myself, I was wondering how you make that delightful dish - stovies. Do you just use potatoes and onions with some fat or do you add corned beef or the remains of your Sunday joint? I prefer the corned beef variety but my dear wife likes the old fashioned simply potatoes/onions/lard version. Jamie Oliver may not approve that!
Keep up the good work as I am greatly entertained by your daily postings.

Nzeru Louisa said...

Haha! If only! My timetable is much reduced this year, as warrants my extra responsibilities, but even then my time is eaten up in administrative chores as opposed to marking and planning, which still needs to wait until evenings, weekends and holidays ... I am doing my best, but it's hard to fit it all in!

As for the stovies ... like you, I prefer the corned beef version, but my other half prefers the simplicity of the potatoes and onions. I only recently discovered that I was not making stovies the right way - I was boiling the potatoes then frying them with oil and onions, which was nice, but not like the traditional stovies I knew and loved from home. However, my sister has now enlightened me, and I have half a block of dripping in my fridge - not something I would ever have approached before! I have to watch I don't overdo it though, or those pounds I recently lost will come piling back on again!

Glad to hear you are enjoying my daily postings ... I think I may even have read some of your other comments elsewhere!