Thursday, March 01, 2007

Meetings etc.

Turns out that last night I spoke to the same girl who had the phone out in class! Wasn't her sister after all! Anyway, phoned her mum today and had a good chat - she was really nice, friendly and supportive.

After school I had a meeting with a woman from the TDA, asking me why I was doing a Masters. Nice to talk about the academic side of teaching, and the research, which I enjoy. That meeting was followed by Year 9 Options Evening, so I'm just in, at 8pm.

On a brighter note - one pupil had asked if he could interview me about my religion as part of his ASDAN course. I'd said yes, so today he gave me a questionnaire that he'd written for me to fill in. I laughed at the question at the bottom of the page - "Write down everything you know about your religion." With three lines to answer it!!! Apart from the fact that I teach him RE, and therefore surely must know everything in the RE textboook that he has to learn for his exam ... !!! Still trying to figure out how to answer that without sounding too facetious! "Bob, I have a degree in Biblical Studies ... !!!"


Anonymous said...

Are new comments to posts flagged up for you or lost in the midst of time?

Nzeru Louisa said...

Lost in the midst of time! But I can go back and have a look for them ... actually, I do get an email sent if I get a new message, so don't worry, I'll catch up on them all!