Thursday, May 17, 2007

The first exam of the season ...

I'm glad to say that they were all there, bright eyed and bushy tailed, fully equipped with pens, revision guides and thinking caps. The questions all seemed fair, and most of the topics we said would come up, did come up. There were a couple of a bit off-centre questions that seemed to step outside the typical question structure, eg "Explain why people argue about abortion" rather than "Explain why there are different Christian attitudes to abortion", but hopefully they will have remembered the many arguments we discussed on Tuesday. It was a fair paper, and if they haven't all got great grades, then I don't know what else I could have done. Let's hope it bodes well for the rest of the exams.

I visited some work experience students today. One group was working for a record label (a small one!) and the other with a director for what I presume is a small independent film company. Very interesting work going on ... but a few of them seemed to be sitting around doing very little and seeming a bit bored! Let's hope it was just because it was just before lunch and they got shy speaking to me ... their supervisors were happy with them, though, so they must be doing something right!

The car is in for its service, so I have a little automatic Jazz at the moment. Automatics are so strange ...

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