Friday, February 23, 2007

Finally ... I can tick something off my list!

At last, a productive day.

I produced a ppt for form tutors to show their forms to introduce Lent (Prayer, Fasting, Almsgiving ...).
I have proofread our Self Evaluation document. (Must pass that onto the DHT to update.)
I've finished marking my Y11 Assessments - and have put their grades, and my Y7 levels, into our database.
I've put together a basic SoW for Y9s about Jesus. (Needs to be completely finished, but since I'm working on it with someone else, and we don't actually start teaching it for another couple of weeks, I think that's acceptable.)
I have planned two lessons for my A Level classes that can be used when the inspectors are around. Hopefully.
I've done the laundry. Although I better take it out the drier and put it away!

Now, all I have to do is:
* Review and finish my research questionnaires.
* Write a SoW for Y11s that will be part of my research - Marriage and Family Life.
* Plan the final lessons for the Y10 unit, Worship and Celebration.
* Plan a few more AS/A2 lessons ... I've started SoWs for these groups, I should add more to them.
* Go through my briefcase, filing certain documents at home, and sorting out what needs to be filed at school, and what can be filed in the bin.
* Add all the SEN/EAL/G&T data to my lesson plan templates so I'm ready for Ofsted.
* Get a MAC code so I can switch servers.
* Tidy the house.

So, not much left for me to do tomorrow, is there?!


Anonymous said...

I hope you mean the recycling, not the bin!! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Meant to say... enjoy the rest of your holiday!

Anonymous said...

Hope you have had a good break. At least you got a WHOLE week not a measly two days and a mindnumbing inservice about Learning Intentions and Curriculum for Excellence, and oh wait, MORE FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Who said that teaching is easy - we need our holidays! FIVE weeks to the next one. Hallelujah.

Nzeru Louisa said...

Vic ... Thanks for that prompt!! I have been trying to recycle more, but still don't do as much as I should - which is bad, since we're lucky enough to have recycling bins outside that take all sorts of things and don't have to be sorted. I do have a bag of newspapers, plastic bottles and some of the aforementioned filing by the door as we speak, and I recently recycled three big bags of carrier bags; I know they should be reused first, and some of them were, but they had to go, since they were using up too much space in the kitchen.

Anonymous ... I know, there are many times that I'm glad that I don't teach up north - you have to teach for so long without a decent break. But perhaps your teaching conditions in general are better? Ah, formative assessment ... that's what my research is all about. Any top tips? Strategies for helping pupils to use assessment as a means of progressing? Anyway, five more weeks to go (is that all?!) ... keep up your momentum!