Thursday, January 04, 2007

Back home

We travelled back yesterday, in the rain and wind, and made it back by around 10pm. The flat is very cold ... the heating is on but that cold chill of an empty house cruches in the air. I think our neighbours have been away for Christmas too, so we have been without their heat as well!

I've had a rest, finished reading "Cry, The Beloved Country" (great book), and now am up to finish unpacking and tidying. Fortunately we went shopping yesterday, so there is some food in the house. And lots of biscuits and chocolate, of course! Once the unpacking is finished, I have the second set of exam scripts to mark, the reports to write, and then I will need to work out my priorities from writing Schemes of Work, planning questionnaires for my research, reading up for and writing my Methods and Methodology review and numerous other things that need to be done over the next four days. So I may not blog that much between now and then!

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